Rabu, 30 Maret 2011


Di daerah perkotaan Rumah adalah suatu kebutuhan, keharusan dan keinginan namun bagi anda yang memiliki dana dan lahan yang pas-pasan berikut denah rumah minimalis yang memiliki konsep kenyamanan dan kesederhanaan, semoga bermanfaat...


Di bawah ini adalah gambar denah rumah yang menurut pendapat saya simple dan tidak neko-neko, sederhana namun tidak menghilangkan fungsinya sebagai media untuk melepas lelah dan berkumpul bersama keluarga terkasih.


Senin, 28 Maret 2011


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Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Visit Toraja

Visit Toraja Now..., Indonesia...
Beautiful Custom
Beautiful Village n Town

UNIQUE CULTURAL TOURISM Tana Toraja, better known as Tator is one of the many areas that there are two levels in the South. Tator area is still to be excellent and the main destination of tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists who visit in this area (South Sulawesi). The extent to which Tator attraction to many tourists visiting the area? Until when Tator, known as a region that values ​​culture and traditions can survive the exposure time? Popularity Toraja as a tourist area so far not been able to compete, especially in South Sulawesi. Besides beautiful scenery, natural conditions with the cool air, as well as cultural and artistic attractions of a unique ancestral heritage, especially the megalithic culture, traditional houses and the burial ceremony, tourists will be welcomed by the residents are friendly and unpretentious. Make Toraja is always interesting to visit.
Objects of cultural tourism which is very admirable adadaerah call it for example Londa. Londa is one of the tourist destinations of the many attractions that can and frequently visited by tourists because of its uniqueness. There are many caves.
Londa need courage to enter the region. At least we will be human bones and skulls scattered. In the same place, before entering the storage area of ​​the skull and bones, appears a series of sculptures (tau-tau, the term local masyaratkat) which is a picture of people who are buried there (cave). "The statue that resembles the person who posted on the front of the cave is a statue of the class of nobles who were buried in the cave. Only those who are able to slaughter more than 24 buffaloes were entitled dibikinkan image of himself." said one resident.
To memeasuki Londa Cave, visitors can rent lights petromaks prepared the local population. Charge, 10,000 oo once inside. Goa is about 30 meters in length, has four mouth of the cave which difungsuikan to grave. Starting from the entrance we have seen lined coffins arranged stacking. This is one of the uniqueness of which is owned Londa and become the main attraction other than the party of death in the indigenous Toraja.
In addition to Londa, which a lot of tourist areas visited by tourists is Kete trouble. To reach this area not too far from the road axis Makalle-Rantepao. Passing through an asphalt road approximately 3 kilometers from the road axis. Londa Kete somewhat different, although the same object. Location of different geographical or other. In this place, we will find a custom house sederatan tongkonan and grassland (barn, red) are lined with neat homes that serve as the local community.
The interesting thing about the grave human Kete is built with magnificent. Although the tomb was built with cement, but remain attached condensed Toraja architecture. The building was named tongkonan. Along the path from the concrete, then we headed storage skull on the edge of the rocks. There, the bones can be stored in a box that looks like a pig.
Tourists who visit this place, not just to rest under tongkonan that line, but can also shop souvenir handicrafts Toraja. Such as wood carving, miniature tongkonan, woven, machetes Tator which are well known everywhere. It was counted as souvenirs.
Heading north in the hills northeast, is above the height, approximately 30 kilometers more than Rantepao, tourists can see directly the carved stone tombs known as Lo 'ko' (Hole eyes, red).
Giant stones that serve as a storage place for corpses, as a last resort visitors who come in Toraja. Large stones which serve as the grave, has a diameter of 25 meters and height of about 20 meters with a total hole that has been used as many as 70 holes of human body.

HD wood


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